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WALK-IT HERBAL TABLETS helps lose weight quickly, safely and naturally. It is the solution you can trust to help you get back in shape without starvation, without any drastic diet, without going to the gym and without suffering from low energy. It is the best way to lose weight that Mother Nature has to offer.
Most weight loss programs require you to dramatically change your diet. However, WALK-IT HERBAL TABLETS works in a different way. WALK-IT HERBAL TABLETS has the unique ability to magnetically seek out, attract, and bind fat so that it cannot be digested and passes it harmlessly out of your body.
WALK-IT HERBAL TABLETS solution contains primary natural nutrients and herbs which help you reduce weight. They have the ability to reduce body fat. Finally, they aid in suppressing excessive appetite and food cravings and regularising body metabolism at the same time.
Yes, you read that correctly.
You don’t have to diet to lose weight. You don’t have to live on limewater and watch the world enjoy all the delicious dishes, now that you’ve got WALK-IT HERBAL TABLETS on your side. The Diet Pill that works is finally here.
Which are the herbs used in WALK-ITHerbal weight loss Capsule?
The main herbal combination used in Walk-it Herbal weight loss Tablets are:

600 mg
Sudha gugglu
50 mg
Atasi (flax seeds)
25 mg
50 mg
50 mg
50 mg
Artemisia absinthium linn
25 mg
All these herbs used in Walk-it Herbal weight loss Tabletsare collected from various countries around the world.
Obesity is considered a long-term complex disease. Many factors are involved in determining why some people are heavier than others and how much risk they have for developing other medical problems.
Science continues to search for answers. But until the disease is better understood, the control of excess weight is something patients must work at for their entire lives. That is why it is very important to understand that all current medical interventions, including weight loss surgery, should not be considered medical cures. Rather, they are attempts to reduce the adverse effects of excessive weight and alleviate the serious physical, emotional and social consequences of the disease.
You gain weight when you consume more calories from food than your body uses through its normal functions (basal metabolic rate [BMR]) and physical activity. The unused calories are stored as fat. You become obese if you consistently consume excess calories over a long period of time. For example, eating an extra 100 calories per day can lead to a gain of about 10 lbs (4.5 kgs) in a year. Gaining 10 pounds a year eventually will result in a BMI of 30 or higher.
Your activity level is also important. Activity uses calories, which helps balance the calories you get through food. If you are inactive, it may be easier to gain weight.
However, calories alone do not explain weight gain and why some people gain (or lose) weight more easily than others. Other factors that play a major role in weight gain and obesity include:
Genetic or Hereditary Factors
Research has shown that in many cases a significant underlying cause of morbid obesity is genetic – you inherit the tendency to gain weight. Numerous scientific studies have established that your genes play an important role in your tendency to gain excess weight. The body weight of adopted children shows no correlation with the body weight of their adoptive parents who feed them and teach them how to eat. Their weight does have an 80 percent correlation with their genetic parents whom they have never met. Identical twins with the same genes show a much higher similarity of body weights than do fraternal twins, who have different genes. Certain groups of people, such as the Pima Indian tribe in Arizona, have a very high incidence of severe obesity. They also have significantly higher rates of diabetes and heart disease than other ethnic groups.
We probably have a number of genes directly related to weight. Just as some genes determine eye color or height, others affect our appetite, our ability to feel full or satisfied, our metabolism, our fat-storing ability, and even our natural activity levels.

Environmental Factors
Environmental and genetic factors are obviously closely intertwined.
If you have a genetic predisposition toward obesity, then the modern lifestyle and environment that has readily available inexpensive food high in fat and low in fruits and vegetables may lead to weight gain and obesity. Fast food, long days sitting at a desk, and suburban neighborhoods that require cars all magnify hereditary factors such as metabolism and efficient fat storage. For those suffering from morbid obesity, anything less than a total change in environment usually results in failure to reach and maintain a healthy body weight by nonoperative measures.
We used to think of weight gain or loss as only a function of calories ingested and then burnt.
Take in more calories than you burn and gain weight; burn more calories than you ingest and lose weight. But now we know the equation isn’t that simple.
Obesity researchers now talk about a theory called the “set point” – a sort of thermostat in the brain that makes people resistant to either weight gain or loss. If you try to override the set point by drastically cutting your calorie intake, your brain responds by lowering metabolism and slowing activity. You then gain back any weight you lost.
The steps that lead to obesity: - In the developed countries people enjoy the fruits of development and technological advancement. Because of their affluence, mechanization is available for almost all-routine chores to them. This leads to their getting minimum physical exercise. This is the first step towards obesity or fatness.

In some advanced countries, mini cars are being used for going about within their expansive offices and work areas. In many homes three to four connections of telephones, intercoms, remote controls etc. restrict even the bare minimum movement of even young children.
Time and labor saving devices have denied us good health and a trim body.
The friendly culprit: - Refrigerator was invented for utility purpose and vegetables, dairy products or medicines are stored and preserved. It would certainly be considered a necessity rather than a luxury, but what we find generally that a fridge is converted into a store house for all sorts of left over of cooked food items, cold drinks, and ice creams, cakes, puddings and the like, it often results in many avoidable maladies, obesity being one of them. Storing food items gives an easy access to them and encourages frequent eating habits. And this is the another step towards obesity.
Eating pattern adds obesity: – That luxurious eating habits and life styles confine only to royal families is not truer today. Trying to keep up with the Joneses be it a marriage party or any other function encourages people to serve readily available food items rich in calories and refined carbohydrates. Catering services have become a thriving business. Tailor made lunch & dinner kept warm on sprit lamps to retain heat constantly to be served fresh further make the food more refined and add more calories to it.
Obesity the disease royal: – Obesity can be called a royal disease. Royal games like chess, which do not provide any physical exercise to the players and is generally played indoors.
In those days kings & Nawabs played chess whenever they were in need of diversion & relaxation. The present generation has found exposure in abundance to such games video games, computer & T. V. games and these breed in the children and youngsters the tendency to avoid other sports & outdoor games which give physical exercise.
Royal road which stands for a short and easy way to overcome difficulties, has come to play its own role. Progress and advancement towards better living conditions of the people all over the world has brought with it many disadvantages too.
Comfortable & luxurious life style of living influenced by the television network & magazines, constantly keep projecting all labour saving device one could acquire for their day to day living. People least realize that by falling a prey to these devises, they are gradually getting alienated from much needed normal exercise which these chores provide.
Obesity in different stages: -
Children & obesity: - Obesity in children is something, which we are coming across more and more nowadays. This, to a very great extent, could be attributed to heredity. It is commonly found that a child born to over weight parents has a 90% chance to become obese.
The question that may cross any one’s mind is why does heredity cause overweight?
It is because in most of the cases the child simply inherits good appetite and they are not discouraged from eating anything and everything at anytime and all the time. This results in faulty digestion and poor absorption, culminating in obesity.
It is also found that child born to mothers who are over fed with artificial and fatty food lacking in nutrition during their last three months of pregnancy, give birth to over weight children. It is also wrongly believed by most mothers that an overweight child must be fed more because the size of the stomach seems large. The child is trained to over eat at a very young age and weight keep increasing alarmingly.

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