SYMPTOMS—Blisters around the vagina, burning when urinating, anal pain, itching, pelvic inflammation, penile discharge, sore throat, flu-like symptoms, and more.Chlamydia does not always have warning symptoms.
Here is a brief comparative analysis of the symptoms of nine of these STDs:
Chlamydia: In women—a burning sensation when urinating. A white vaginal discharge resembling cottage cheese. Itching, painful intercourse. In men—a clear, watery, urethral discharge. But often no symptoms at all.
Genital Herpes: Itching and burning in the genital area. Discomfort when urinating. A watery vaginal or urethral discharge. Fluid-filled, weeping, eruptions in the vagina or on the penis.
Genital Warts: Single or clustered, soft, cauliflower-like growths in and around the vagina, anus, penis, groin, and/or scrotal area.
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID): Fever and lower abdominal pain. A pus-filled vaginal discharge.
Trichomoniasis: In women—a foamy, greenish or yellow, foul-smelling vaginal discharge, vaginal itching, and pain. In men—a clear urethral discharge.
Syphilis: a sore on the genitals; accompanied by rash, fever, patches of flaking tissue; sore throat; and sores in the mouth or anus.
Gonorrhea: In women—a cloudy vaginal discharge, frequent and painful urination, vaginal itching. Inflammation of the pelvic area, rectal discharge, and abnormal uterine bleeding. In men—a pus-filled, yellowish, discharge.
Often there are no symptoms for months. In women there may never be symptoms, yet all the while they are infecting men.
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome):Aids has many symptoms:
CAUSES—Venereal diseases are transmitted by intimate contact, when at least one has had more than one partner. STDs can cause urinary tract problems, sterility in women, and prostate inflammation in men.At the present time, one teenage girl in four has a STD. Some of these diseases can kill newborn babies.Chlamydia, which often shows little or no symptoms, can cause urinary tract infections and adhesions which can result in sterility.
• The only genuine protection is abstinence. Marry a person who never has, and never will have, sex with another during your lifetime. Then both of you remain faithful to each other to the end.
• As for condoms, a University of Texas research study proved that 30% of the time they do not protect against AIDS.
• If you have one of these diseases, see your physician and/or follow the directions for “Cancer”.
ENCOURAGEMENT—when all seems dark and unexplainable, we are to trust in God’s love. You need His help. In His strength, you can stand for the right and come off more than conqueror in the battle against temptation.
SYMPTOMS—in women, no symptoms may ever appear. When they do, it may include vaginal discharge, frequent and painful urination, abnormal menstrual bleeding, acute inflammation in the pelvic area, and rectal itching. Symptoms generally appear 7-14 days after sexual contact. In men, symptoms are generally present, including difficult and painful urination, a yellow discharge of pus, and mucous from the penis. Symptoms appear 2-14 days after contact. The discharge continues 6-8 weeks.
CAUSES—as with syphilis (which see), the effects of gonorrhea keep getting worse. The secondary stage is difficult to detect and so is often misdiagnosed as arthritis. The gonorrhea is entering the bones, joints, tendons, and other tissues, causing mild fever, aches, inflamed joints, and sometimes skin lesions. In men, the outcome can be sterility.
As long as 10 years later, the urethra may narrow or stricture, making urination difficult and at times impossible. This produces serious inflammation of the bladder. This occurs more often in men than in women.
Women, who unknowingly contract gonorrhea from their husbands, generally do not know they have the disease until it is far advanced. The infection can travel up the uterus, into the Fallopian tubes, and out into the abdominal cavity, causing peritonitis and possibly death. If that does not occur, then the tubes may eventually seal off due to the infection, causing sterility and pus pockets which cause pain and infection.
• Take Herbal medicine. Go on a cleansing program.
Drink lots of lemon juice. An entire changeover to a good diet and way of life is required.
• Go to bed as soon as you know you have this disease. Go on a cleansing program of fruit juices.
Take 2 high enemas a day,
• But keep in mind that all this work will be a waste of time if certain other lifestyle changes are not made.
ENCOURAGEMENT—There is hope for everyone who will seek God’s face. He alone can provide for our needs; He alone can give us the solutions we need.
SYMPTOMS—a chancre appears on the skin, either on the mouth, in the mouth, or on the genitals. It is also called a hard chance or Hunterian sore. This is a red, painless, raised ulcer with hard, well-defined edges, and appears 10 days to 3 weeks after exposure, and lasts from a few days to several weeks. In women, it sometimes develops on the cervix and so is not recognized.
Later, a rash and patches of flaking tissue appear in the mouth or genital area. This skin eruption consists of either a few red, pimply, blemishes or a profuse crop of various types of blotches. By this time, the disease is well-established throughout the system.
Later stages occur, as the disease worsens. Paralysis, insanity, and death are the final outcome.
CAUSES—Syphilis is caused by the germ, treponema pallidum, which is corkscrew in shape and much larger than most bacteria. Drying quickly kills the germs, so they must remain wet; they generally enter the body through a living source—another person (acquired syphilis) or through the placenta to the unborn child (congenital syphilis). But, in some instances, it has been transmitted to the dentist during dental work.
SYMPTOMS—Vaginal or urethral discharge, genital inflammation, difficulty in urinating, itching around the inflamed area, and painful intercourse.
CAUSES—According to the CDC, more people in America contract Chlamydia than any other sexually transmitted disease. Over 4 million new cases are diagnosed yearly. Nearly 20% of teenagers in the United States are known to have contracted it. But these figures do not include the large number that is not reported. Nearly 10% of men and 70% of women who have Chlamydia—have no symptoms
But, whether recognized or not, the effects of Chlamydia are serious. About 30% of the women become sterile and pelvic inflammatory disease and other reproductive problems can, and do, result. In young women, the disease can also produce a form of arthritis.
In men, prostate infection and seminal vesicle inflammation may occur later. (Symptoms of prostatitis include pain when urinating and a watery mucous urethral discharge.)
The disease is transmitted through the discharge produced by both men and women. If one spouse is treated for this, the other one must be also.
To delay treatment is to intensify the effects of the disease.
• This is a complicated disease; consult Hakeem ji.
ENCOURAGEMENT—how can we solve the problems we have? Only in God can they be resolved. He can do for you those things you could never do for yourself.
SYMPTOMS—Recurrent fluid-filled blisters on the genitals that rupture, leaving red, inflamed, painful lesions. These are preceded by a slightly irritating tingling. When the lesion appears, it is accompanied by a sharp pain.
CAUSES—Of the 90 varieties of animal herpes, only four affect humans. Herpes is a virus that causes recurrent blisters and ulcers (cold sores, also called fever blisters on the lips [Type I] and on the genitals [Type II]). A third type is herpes zoster, which causes chicken pox and, as a secondary infection, shingles. Type II can produce blisters either on the genitals or on, or around, the mouth.
Herpes is a virus which enters the body thorough the skin and travels into nerve groups at the base of the spine. It remains with you the rest of your lifetime. But it can be dormant for years and then appear again when the immune system is lowered by poor diet, stress, illness, too much sunlight, or harmful chemicals.
Type II reoccurs when sexual intercourse takes place, as a result of irritation to the skin. It is not a newly invaded infection, but one which was received from a sexual partner at an earlier time.
This viral infection can range from a symptom less infection in the nerves to a major inflammation of the liver, accompanied by fever. In women, it can lead to cervical cancer.
There seems to be a link between having Type II and later developing atherosclerosis.
• The diet should be alkaline in reaction. Foods to avoid are sweets; refined and processed foods; alcohol; and, for some people, citrus. Eat only nutritious food.
• The virus lives in red meat and fat, and you do well to stop eating meat products. There are substances in meat which encourage the growth of Type II.
• Drink only distilled water and get plenty of rest.
SYMPTOMS—Loss of appetite, weight loss, Candida, fatigue, various infections, intestinal problems, skin diseases, immune system disorders, fevers, brain and neurological disorders, and many other symptoms.
CAUSES—AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a disease that does not need to happen. If people controlled themselves, it would never have gotten started, and would eventually die out. But, instead, it is an exploding epidemic.
HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) invades special immune cells in the body, which are called Tlymphocytes, and then slowly multiplies over a long period of time. As it does so, the body’s immune system gradually crumbles. All this time, the disease appears to lay dormant (and only an HIV test will reveal that a person even has the disease). But, after three to ten years, enough of the body’s defenses are broken down that full-blown AIDS develops. Suddenly, very pronounced symptoms appear which are called “AIDS-related diseases.” These include pneumo-cystis carinii pneumonia (PCP, found in 60% of those with AIDS), Karposi’s sarcoma (a rare type of skin cancer), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV; which see), cytomegalovirus (CMV), toxoplasmosis, and tuberculosis.
Most of those who are HIV-positive eventually develop full-blown AIDS. Once that occurs, they generally live only a few years. The median survival time, after full-blown AIDS appears, is 26 months.
Researchers are searching for an “AIDS cure”; but the HIV virus changes form so fast, it is unlikely a cure will ever be found.
Some say the origin of AIDS is unknown, and that the earliest documented case of it appeared in 1981 in San Francisco.
But there may be undocumented cases of it in the 1970s.
• There are definite indications that those who test positive for HIV, yet who take good care of their immune systems, are less likely to develop full-blown AIDS. Those most often in this category are individuals who contracted HIV by accident (such as hemophiliacs) and normally lived healthful, clean, lives. Many of them never develop AIDS.
• Conduct yourself properly, so you are not likely to contract HIV in the first place. Maintain an excellent immune system through proper diet, rest, exercise, etc.
• But if you contract HIV, then you need to think through what you need to change in your life. And then set to work to rebuild your immune system.
• Raw foods, such as fruits and vegetables, especially those high in vitamins A, B complex, C, and E are very important. Take vitamin C to bowel tolerance. Selenium and zinc, along with potassium, calcium, and magnesium are also important.
• Garlic, cabbage, kelp, and lots of fresh and cooked greens are important. Eat whole-grain products.
• Limit your intake of soy products, without fully dropping them.
• Stop eating meat, processed food, and junk food. Banish tobacco, alcohol, and coffee. Avoid those who smoke.
Certain activities tend to tear down the immune system faster than anything else. Everyone should be aware of what those activities are:
• Using any form of nicotine.
• Drinking alcohol.
• Using street drugs.
• Taking medicinal drugs.
• Eating primarily junk food.
• Sexual excess, especially non-monogamous sex.
• Overeating and getting little exercise.
• Eating lots of pork, shellfish, and animal fat.
ENCOURAGEMENT—you have a bright future, if you will give your earthly life to God, just now. He can forgive your past and empower you, by His grace, to obey His rules& law. Everyone in the world needs Him. You can be one of those who find Him.
Here is a brief comparative analysis of the symptoms of nine of these STDs:
Chlamydia: In women—a burning sensation when urinating. A white vaginal discharge resembling cottage cheese. Itching, painful intercourse. In men—a clear, watery, urethral discharge. But often no symptoms at all.
Genital Herpes: Itching and burning in the genital area. Discomfort when urinating. A watery vaginal or urethral discharge. Fluid-filled, weeping, eruptions in the vagina or on the penis.
Genital Warts: Single or clustered, soft, cauliflower-like growths in and around the vagina, anus, penis, groin, and/or scrotal area.
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID): Fever and lower abdominal pain. A pus-filled vaginal discharge.
Trichomoniasis: In women—a foamy, greenish or yellow, foul-smelling vaginal discharge, vaginal itching, and pain. In men—a clear urethral discharge.
Syphilis: a sore on the genitals; accompanied by rash, fever, patches of flaking tissue; sore throat; and sores in the mouth or anus.
Gonorrhea: In women—a cloudy vaginal discharge, frequent and painful urination, vaginal itching. Inflammation of the pelvic area, rectal discharge, and abnormal uterine bleeding. In men—a pus-filled, yellowish, discharge.
Often there are no symptoms for months. In women there may never be symptoms, yet all the while they are infecting men.
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome):Aids has many symptoms:
CAUSES—Venereal diseases are transmitted by intimate contact, when at least one has had more than one partner. STDs can cause urinary tract problems, sterility in women, and prostate inflammation in men.At the present time, one teenage girl in four has a STD. Some of these diseases can kill newborn babies.Chlamydia, which often shows little or no symptoms, can cause urinary tract infections and adhesions which can result in sterility.
• The only genuine protection is abstinence. Marry a person who never has, and never will have, sex with another during your lifetime. Then both of you remain faithful to each other to the end.
• As for condoms, a University of Texas research study proved that 30% of the time they do not protect against AIDS.
• If you have one of these diseases, see your physician and/or follow the directions for “Cancer”.
ENCOURAGEMENT—when all seems dark and unexplainable, we are to trust in God’s love. You need His help. In His strength, you can stand for the right and come off more than conqueror in the battle against temptation.
SYMPTOMS—in women, no symptoms may ever appear. When they do, it may include vaginal discharge, frequent and painful urination, abnormal menstrual bleeding, acute inflammation in the pelvic area, and rectal itching. Symptoms generally appear 7-14 days after sexual contact. In men, symptoms are generally present, including difficult and painful urination, a yellow discharge of pus, and mucous from the penis. Symptoms appear 2-14 days after contact. The discharge continues 6-8 weeks.
CAUSES—as with syphilis (which see), the effects of gonorrhea keep getting worse. The secondary stage is difficult to detect and so is often misdiagnosed as arthritis. The gonorrhea is entering the bones, joints, tendons, and other tissues, causing mild fever, aches, inflamed joints, and sometimes skin lesions. In men, the outcome can be sterility.
As long as 10 years later, the urethra may narrow or stricture, making urination difficult and at times impossible. This produces serious inflammation of the bladder. This occurs more often in men than in women.
Women, who unknowingly contract gonorrhea from their husbands, generally do not know they have the disease until it is far advanced. The infection can travel up the uterus, into the Fallopian tubes, and out into the abdominal cavity, causing peritonitis and possibly death. If that does not occur, then the tubes may eventually seal off due to the infection, causing sterility and pus pockets which cause pain and infection.
• Take Herbal medicine. Go on a cleansing program.
Drink lots of lemon juice. An entire changeover to a good diet and way of life is required.
• Go to bed as soon as you know you have this disease. Go on a cleansing program of fruit juices.
Take 2 high enemas a day,
• But keep in mind that all this work will be a waste of time if certain other lifestyle changes are not made.
ENCOURAGEMENT—There is hope for everyone who will seek God’s face. He alone can provide for our needs; He alone can give us the solutions we need.
SYMPTOMS—a chancre appears on the skin, either on the mouth, in the mouth, or on the genitals. It is also called a hard chance or Hunterian sore. This is a red, painless, raised ulcer with hard, well-defined edges, and appears 10 days to 3 weeks after exposure, and lasts from a few days to several weeks. In women, it sometimes develops on the cervix and so is not recognized.
Later, a rash and patches of flaking tissue appear in the mouth or genital area. This skin eruption consists of either a few red, pimply, blemishes or a profuse crop of various types of blotches. By this time, the disease is well-established throughout the system.
Later stages occur, as the disease worsens. Paralysis, insanity, and death are the final outcome.
CAUSES—Syphilis is caused by the germ, treponema pallidum, which is corkscrew in shape and much larger than most bacteria. Drying quickly kills the germs, so they must remain wet; they generally enter the body through a living source—another person (acquired syphilis) or through the placenta to the unborn child (congenital syphilis). But, in some instances, it has been transmitted to the dentist during dental work.
• Take herbal treatment.
ENCOURAGEMENT—Determine that you will study God’s Word every day and obey everything you read. Let every day begin a new page in your life. Pray earnestly and take every step in the Lord.CHLAMYDIA
SYMPTOMS—Vaginal or urethral discharge, genital inflammation, difficulty in urinating, itching around the inflamed area, and painful intercourse.
CAUSES—According to the CDC, more people in America contract Chlamydia than any other sexually transmitted disease. Over 4 million new cases are diagnosed yearly. Nearly 20% of teenagers in the United States are known to have contracted it. But these figures do not include the large number that is not reported. Nearly 10% of men and 70% of women who have Chlamydia—have no symptoms
But, whether recognized or not, the effects of Chlamydia are serious. About 30% of the women become sterile and pelvic inflammatory disease and other reproductive problems can, and do, result. In young women, the disease can also produce a form of arthritis.
In men, prostate infection and seminal vesicle inflammation may occur later. (Symptoms of prostatitis include pain when urinating and a watery mucous urethral discharge.)
The disease is transmitted through the discharge produced by both men and women. If one spouse is treated for this, the other one must be also.
To delay treatment is to intensify the effects of the disease.
• This is a complicated disease; consult Hakeem ji.
ENCOURAGEMENT—how can we solve the problems we have? Only in God can they be resolved. He can do for you those things you could never do for yourself.
SYMPTOMS—Recurrent fluid-filled blisters on the genitals that rupture, leaving red, inflamed, painful lesions. These are preceded by a slightly irritating tingling. When the lesion appears, it is accompanied by a sharp pain.
CAUSES—Of the 90 varieties of animal herpes, only four affect humans. Herpes is a virus that causes recurrent blisters and ulcers (cold sores, also called fever blisters on the lips [Type I] and on the genitals [Type II]). A third type is herpes zoster, which causes chicken pox and, as a secondary infection, shingles. Type II can produce blisters either on the genitals or on, or around, the mouth.
Herpes is a virus which enters the body thorough the skin and travels into nerve groups at the base of the spine. It remains with you the rest of your lifetime. But it can be dormant for years and then appear again when the immune system is lowered by poor diet, stress, illness, too much sunlight, or harmful chemicals.
Type II reoccurs when sexual intercourse takes place, as a result of irritation to the skin. It is not a newly invaded infection, but one which was received from a sexual partner at an earlier time.
This viral infection can range from a symptom less infection in the nerves to a major inflammation of the liver, accompanied by fever. In women, it can lead to cervical cancer.
There seems to be a link between having Type II and later developing atherosclerosis.
• The diet should be alkaline in reaction. Foods to avoid are sweets; refined and processed foods; alcohol; and, for some people, citrus. Eat only nutritious food.
• The virus lives in red meat and fat, and you do well to stop eating meat products. There are substances in meat which encourage the growth of Type II.
• Drink only distilled water and get plenty of rest.
SYMPTOMS—Loss of appetite, weight loss, Candida, fatigue, various infections, intestinal problems, skin diseases, immune system disorders, fevers, brain and neurological disorders, and many other symptoms.
CAUSES—AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a disease that does not need to happen. If people controlled themselves, it would never have gotten started, and would eventually die out. But, instead, it is an exploding epidemic.
HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) invades special immune cells in the body, which are called Tlymphocytes, and then slowly multiplies over a long period of time. As it does so, the body’s immune system gradually crumbles. All this time, the disease appears to lay dormant (and only an HIV test will reveal that a person even has the disease). But, after three to ten years, enough of the body’s defenses are broken down that full-blown AIDS develops. Suddenly, very pronounced symptoms appear which are called “AIDS-related diseases.” These include pneumo-cystis carinii pneumonia (PCP, found in 60% of those with AIDS), Karposi’s sarcoma (a rare type of skin cancer), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV; which see), cytomegalovirus (CMV), toxoplasmosis, and tuberculosis.
Most of those who are HIV-positive eventually develop full-blown AIDS. Once that occurs, they generally live only a few years. The median survival time, after full-blown AIDS appears, is 26 months.
Researchers are searching for an “AIDS cure”; but the HIV virus changes form so fast, it is unlikely a cure will ever be found.
Some say the origin of AIDS is unknown, and that the earliest documented case of it appeared in 1981 in San Francisco.
But there may be undocumented cases of it in the 1970s.
• There are definite indications that those who test positive for HIV, yet who take good care of their immune systems, are less likely to develop full-blown AIDS. Those most often in this category are individuals who contracted HIV by accident (such as hemophiliacs) and normally lived healthful, clean, lives. Many of them never develop AIDS.
• Conduct yourself properly, so you are not likely to contract HIV in the first place. Maintain an excellent immune system through proper diet, rest, exercise, etc.
• But if you contract HIV, then you need to think through what you need to change in your life. And then set to work to rebuild your immune system.
• Raw foods, such as fruits and vegetables, especially those high in vitamins A, B complex, C, and E are very important. Take vitamin C to bowel tolerance. Selenium and zinc, along with potassium, calcium, and magnesium are also important.
• Garlic, cabbage, kelp, and lots of fresh and cooked greens are important. Eat whole-grain products.
• Limit your intake of soy products, without fully dropping them.
• Stop eating meat, processed food, and junk food. Banish tobacco, alcohol, and coffee. Avoid those who smoke.
Certain activities tend to tear down the immune system faster than anything else. Everyone should be aware of what those activities are:
• Using any form of nicotine.
• Drinking alcohol.
• Using street drugs.
• Taking medicinal drugs.
• Eating primarily junk food.
• Sexual excess, especially non-monogamous sex.
• Overeating and getting little exercise.
• Eating lots of pork, shellfish, and animal fat.
ENCOURAGEMENT—you have a bright future, if you will give your earthly life to God, just now. He can forgive your past and empower you, by His grace, to obey His rules& law. Everyone in the world needs Him. You can be one of those who find Him.
Hello Readers
ReplyDeleteMY Name Is:Mr Robert Downey
Sourcing alternative remedies to treat H. Pylori,and This is real take it serious, who will believe that herbs can cure herpes viral infection, i never believe that it will work one day.i have spend a lot getting drugs from the hospital to keep me healthy, and it got to a time that i was waiting for death to come because i was so broke, one day a friend introduce this great man to me on line called Dr. Ogwua who is well know for Herpes,Helicobacter Pylori, HIV, and Cancer cure,hepatitis B&C Cure. i decided to email him but I never thought herbal Dr can cure herpes disease, though I just wanted to give him a try, he replied my mail and Needed some Information about me, then I sent them to him, he prepared a herbal medicine (CURE) and sent it through Online Courier Service for delivery, the Courier Office. told me that 2-4 days I will receive the package and after receiving it, i took the medicine as prescribed by him at the end of the one month, he told me to go to the hospital for a check up, and i went, surprisingly after the test the doctor confirm me Herpes simplex virus negative, i thought it was a joke, i went to other hospital and was also negative, that was how my herpes disappeared, i will never stop to thank you for saving my life, I promise I will always testify of your good works. if you are herpes simplex virus patient, contact him and you will be cured permanently, contact him via: or call +2348100609843.
HERPES, HIV/AIDS, CANCER, Depression, Asthma, Fungal and other infections.
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DeleteUr spelll binders just eat money and there all african i contqcted two of them
DeleteThe post was nice i love to read. It was interesting. Thank you for sharing with us your thoughts.All of information are awesome and very useful for us that know about venereal diseases.
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ReplyDeleteAll thanks to this great herbal doctor who cured me from (LUPUS DISEASE) his name is dr imoloa. I suffered lupus disease for over 8 years with pains like: joints, Skin rash, Pain in the chest, swollen joints and many more. The anti-inflammatory drugs couldn’t cure me, until I read about his recommendation. 2 months ago, I contacted him through his email address. . and he sent me the herbal treatment through DHL courier service and he instructed me on how to drink it for good two weeks. after then, And I was confirmed cured and free at the hospital after taken his powerful herbal medications You too can be cured with it if interested, he also uses his powerful herbal healing medicine to cure disease like: parkison disease, vaginal cancer, epilepsy, Anxiety Disorders, Autoimmune Disease, Back Pain, Back Sprain, Bipolar Disorder, Brain Tumour, Malignant, Bruxism, Bulimia, Cervical Disk Disease, cardiovascular disease, Neoplasms, chronic respiratory disease, mental and behavioural disorder, Cystic Fibrosis, Hypertension, Diabetes, asthma, Inflammatory autoimmune-mediated arthritis. chronic kidney disease, inflammatory joint disease, back pain, impotence, feta alcohol spectrum, Dysthymic Disorder, Eczema, skin cancer, tuberculosis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, constipation, inflammatory bowel disease, bone cancer, lungs cancer, mouth ulcer, mouth cancer, body pain, fever, hepatitis A.B.C., syphilis, diarrhea, HIV/AIDS, Huntington's Disease, back acne, Chronic renal failure, addison disease, Chronic Pain, Crohn's Disease, Cystic Fibrosis, Fibromyalgia, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, fungal nail disease, Lyme Disease, Celia disease, Lymphoma, Major Depression, Malignant Melanoma, Mania, Melorheostosis, Meniere's Disease, Mucopolysaccharidosis , Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Alzheimer's Disease Contacts him today and get permanently cure. contact him via... email- /whatssapp-+2347081986098.