In the vast area of health and wellness, modern medicine has undoubtedly made commendable work in scientific analysis of symptoms, invention of vaccines/life saving drugs and advancement in important surgeries. However for treatment of persistent and lasting diseases, prescribed medicines are required to continue for life long. This results in giving rise to certain complications in the body which culminates into various side effects in due course of time.
Under such circumstances, common man has been helplessly left with no other option but to continue with the prescribed medicines along with additional medicines to suppress complications. Thus finding out an alternate harmless remedy became the utmost necessity. At this juncture, our age-old Ayurved & Unani of therapy appeared to show us a bright ray of hope for a safe solution. Hence to bring back and utilise the vast potential and proven healing power of these therapies AL – HAKEEM initiated a pioneer attempt to provide a better, safe and effective method of treatment for persistent and lasting diseases which subsequently became popular to be known as Herbal Treatment (i.e. through combination of Ayurved & Unani).
We deep heartedly feel, this is just a small step in the direction to revive and propagate age-old Indian systems of therapy. However, we are firm in our conviction to fulfill our commitment and achieve our mission to serve the mankind.
We, being Kolkata based, are currently working through our modern state-of-the-art centres at Topsia (57/1D, Topsia Road south Kolkata -46
Our qualified and experienced Physicians at AL-HAKEEM are offering safe and effective treatment to hundreds of people from India and abroad who come to our clinic everyday in order to gain relief with great satisfaction.
We Treat :
Body Weakness (Male/Female) | Female Diseases | Diabetes | Obesity | Joint Discomfort | Under Weight | Piles | Bronchiolitis | Stomach Problems | Skin Ailments | Hair Problems.
We shall be happy if we can be of any help to you and your family members. For more details you may view our website
Help Line : +91 8013823305 (10a.m. to 8p.m.)